Physical AI, or Generative Physical AI, refers to the use of artificial intelligence to simulate and understand physical systems and processes. It combines the principles of physics with advanced computational techniques to create models that can predict how physical objects behave in the real world.
We are a community-run project that helps with the development and funding of the new era of AI, which is Physical AI.
STAGE 2 of an experiment on human-robot interaction based on heavily modified InMoov.
Bridging neurobiology, AI & future. Licensed under the Animal Ethics Committee Approval Certificate.
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Officially launch the Phy/Acc project, introducing our vision and goals to the community and stakeholders.
Continuously develop and enhance our network, focusing on building partnerships and collaborations within the industry.
Begin the transition to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), empowering the community to participate in decision-making.
Launch an accelerator program to support startups and projects that align with our mission, providing resources and mentorship.
Foster a research community focused on advancing the field of Physical AI, encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Establish a Builders Fund to provide financial support for innovative projects and initiatives within the Phy/Acc ecosystem.